Local agent arrested of MV X-Express Pearl released on bail


The Managing Director of the local agent of X-Express Feeders, which owns X-Express Pearl, has been released on a cash bail of Rs. 100,000 and two sureties of Rs. 1 million each.

Arjuna Hettiarachchi, chairman of the MV X-Express Pearl's regional agency, has been arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Hettiarachchi appeared before the CID this morning to record a statement regarding the disaster caused by the fire.

The Attorney General (AG) yesterday ordered the arrest of the local agent of the MVX-Express Pearl ship that caught fire off the coast of Colombo.

The Attorney General instructed the CID to arrest the suspect and produce him in court.

Earlier, the CID had recorded the statements of the ship's captain and chief and deputy engineers, but the court barred them from leaving Sri Lanka.

The CID has so far recorded 33 statements regarding the disaster caused by the ship's fire.

Police say that further statements will be recorded from the local agent and relevant officials in this regard.

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